Whitehorse Trail PlanWhitehorse Trail PlanWhitehorse Trail Plan
Project Description:

LEES+Associates was commissioned by the City of Whitehorse to update the community’s Trail Plan which will guide the City in developing and maintaining trails to the highest standards of user enjoyment and sustainability. The project included the development of an extensive engagement program with specific methods to engage government partners, First Nations, stakeholders, and the public. The engagement received a significant response with over 1,500 individuals and groups participating in the planning process.


The Trail Plan outlines a road map for the City’s trails network over the next 10 years by:

  • Establishing a community vision for the Whitehorse trail network;
  • Building upon and integrating existing policies, bylaws and memoranda of understanding;
  • Identifying key issues and opportunities for the existing trail network;
  • Improving connectivity between neighbourhoods and community amenities;
  • Exploring opportunities to increase recreational uses and active transportation;
  • Identifying opportunities for new trail development and growth;
  • Outlining strategies for developing an extensive inventory of trails, amenities and wayfinding signage;
  • Mitigating impacts on environmentally sensitive areas through thoughtful planning processes, and
  • Providing practical and innovative recommendations that ensure the success of future trail planning and management initiatives.
City of Whitehorse (2020) / Whitehorse, YT