Biodiversity Design Guidelines

Biodiversity Design GuidelinesBiodiversity Design GuidelinesBiodiversity Design Guidelines
Project Description:

LEES+Associates worked closely with Zoetica Wildlife Research Inc. to develop the City of Surrey’s Biodiversity Design Guidelines. The Biodiversity Design Guidelines provide recommended actions to support the implementation of Surrey’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy. These guidelines are designed for public and private land use and support land use planning and development activities within the City’s Green Infrastructure Network (GIN) and the Urban Matrix (lands outside of the GIN). The BDGs are intended for implementation primarily at the site level.
Organized into eight modules, the BDGs incorporate available research, guidance and best management practices related to biodiversity conservation for different topic areas: habitat structures, light and noise abatement, road ecology, drainage, green roofs and walls, maintained landscapes, trails, and signage.
The Biodiversity Design Guidelines address current management needs and are adaptable to future conditions. The guidelines are prioritized to ensure that the selected actions support City objectives and are feasible to implement on the ground while considering organizational capacity.

City of Surrey / Surrey, BC