Track and Field StrategyTrack and Field Strategy
Project Description:

LEES+Associates, in support of Binnie, was a major contributor to the Track and Field Strategy recently unanimously adopted by the Vancouver Park Board. The strategy guides short-term and long-term investment, management, and programming at Vancouver’s track and field facilities. The strategy provides recommendations under four themes: design and infrastructure, access and participation, programming and cooperation, and management and operations for Vancouver’s 14 existing facilities, and for future expansion.

LEES+Associates led the community and stakeholder engagement for the project and contributed to the background research and development of recommendations for this first-ever city-wide strategy for enhancing track and field facilities.

Public and stakeholder engagement included the assembly of a stakeholder advisory group, outreach and communications content development, two public online surveys, two stakeholder workshops, and two public open houses. For each of the three rounds of engagement, our team developed Discussion Guide and Engagement Summaries. The final report drew in the key findings from the public engagement process and highlighted how that feedback was used in developing the recommendations.

Vanccouver Park Board (2018-2019) / Vancouver, BC