Powell River Parks & Trail Master PlanPowell River Parks & Trail Master Plan
Project Description:

LEES+Associates was commissioned to develop a Parks & Trails Master Plan for the City of Powell River. The goal of the plan was to provide guidance for Council, staff and stakeholders in the acquisition, improvement and maintenance of parks, natural areas, open spaces, active transportation infrastructure, and trails over the next 15 years.

The process included three rounds of public, staff, stakeholder and intergovernmental engagement that provided a strong foundation for the plan. Key short, medium, and long term recommendations included:

  • Improve accessibility in key parks and trails
  • Secure continuous public shore access
  • Consolidate and improve existing sports fields
  • Implement trail accession process and trail design guidelines
  • Add signage at key intersections and trailheads

LEES+Associates worked with Richard Drdul of Drdul Community Transportation Planning to develop an Active Transportation Plan addressing active transportation facilities and routes.

The Plan identified a network of bicycle routes and bicycle/pedestrian crossings to enable and encourage people to walk and cycle throughout Powell River.

City of Powell River (2019 - 2020) / Powell River, BC