Bowen Island Parks Plan Adopted

Bowen Island Parks Plan

Bowen Island’s current Parks Master Plan dates back to 1994, when there was only one municipally owned park. Today Bowen Island has 23 municipal parks and approximately 73 hectares of municipal parkland.

LEES+Associates collaborated with Bowen Island Staff to develop an updated Parks Plan which provides a community supported vision for Bowen Island’s parks, trails and beaches over the next ten years. The plan was informed by a public consultation process with a variety of opportunities for the public to get involved including a phone survey and online questionnaire, open house events, a farmer’s market pop-up booth, focus groups with youth and elders, and stakeholder workshops.

LEES+Associates was pleased to present the final draft of the Bowen Island Parks Plan to Council on October 23rd and it was adopted in principle.

For more information visit the Bowen Island Parks Plan website at:

Bowen Island Parks Plan

Bowen Island Parks Plan

Bowen Island Parks Plan