Sunset Seniors’ Centre Feasibility Study

Sunset Seniors' Centre Feasibility Study

We’re pleased to announce that on Nov. 1, 2017, Vancouver City Council voted to support the development and construction of a new seniors’ centre adjacent to Sunset Community Centre in south Vancouver.

LEES +Associates worked as consultants to Carscadden McDonald and Stokes Architects Inc. on the feasibility study for this new seniors’ centre. Our work included leading public and stakeholder engagement and preparing a Needs Assessment report.

The adopted Council motion (on p. 7) states:

  1. THAT Council support development and the construction of a Seniors’ Centre of at least 10,000 square feet to be located adjacent to the existing Sunset Community Centre.
  2. THAT Council direct staff to pursue funding opportunities to cost-share the Sunset Seniors’ Centre project, currently estimated to cost up to $10 million, with the Federal and Provincial governments and report back to Council.
  3. THAT Council direct staff to form a building committee for the Sunset Seniors’ Centre Project, including representatives from the Vancouver Park Board, the Sunset Community Centre Association, Seniors’ Advisory Committee, Persons with Disabilities Advisory Committee and LGBTQ2+ Advisory Committee.

South Vancouver Seniors' Centre

South Vancouver Seniors' Centre