Beaver Lake Restoration PlanBeaver Lake Restoration PlanBeaver Lake Restoration PlanBeaver Lake Restoration PlanBeaver Lake Restoration PlanBeaver Lake Restoration PlanBeaver Lake Restoration PlanBeaver Lake Restoration PlanBeaver Lake Restoration PlanBeaver Lake Restoration Plan
Project Description:

LEES+Associates is currently collaborating with a team led by AquaTerra Environmental Ltd. on the development of an ecological and culturally sensitive enhancement plan for Beaver Lake in Stanley Park.

The plan will provide a vision for long-term ecological viability and diversity of Beaver Lake, and provide the direction needed to achieve this vision through a project goal to create a diverse and healthy ecosystem that provides passive recreation opportunities for the public, maximizes native biodiversity, respects cultural significance and requires minimal ongoing interventions to maintain its integrity.

The project which aims to serve a balance of interests is being undertaken through the collaboration of 12 professionals from 8 sub-disciplines, in collaboration with the City of Vancouver and the Stanley Park Ecological Society, as well as through ongoing consultation with the public and three First Nations

City of Vancouver / Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC (2014, 2018-Present)