Elk Falls CemeteryElk Falls CemeteryElk Falls CemeteryElk Falls CemeteryElk Falls Cemetery
Project Description:

Following the completion of the physical master plan for Elk Falls Cemetery by LEES+Associates in 2016, a series of priority projects were identified including the creation of a green burial section.

Construction of the green burial section was completed in 2017. This and other new interment and memorialization services will be offered to Campbell River families and area residents.

In 2018 the City retained LEES+Associates to:

  1. Provide guidance on key elements for the operation and management of the proposed green burial service, and
  2. Update the existing cemetery bylaw so it complies with relevant parts of the Cremation Interment and Funeral Services Act (CIFSA), best practices, and incorporate the new interment and memorialization services.

To this end, the LEES Team led a workshop to provide City management and operational staff with an overview of the philosophy and ethos of green burial, as well as practical considerations for the smooth and professional operation of a green burial service. Recommendations were summarized in a Green Burial Memorandum for Staff to incorporate into cemetery administration protocols and standard operating procedures (SOP’s).

City of Campbell River, BC (2018)