City of Regina Parks Master Plan

City of ReginaCity of Regina Parks Master PlanCity of Regina Parks Master PlanCity of Regina Parks Master PlanCity of Regina Parks Master PlanCity of Regina Parks Master Plan
Project Description:

LEES+Associates was commissioned by The City of Regina to develop a Parks Master Plan focused on policy that established a clear path to sustain, improve, and develop Regina’s parks in the future. The LEES+Associates team worked closely with City of Regina staff across multiple departments to ensure the plan was cohesive with other existing and emerging plans and strategies. The development of the plan included a review of existing policies and research on relevant policies in other municipalities.
Feedback from the public, community organizations, and Regina City staff was gathered during two rounds of engagement. Feedback from Indigenous communities was also gathered concurrently. Engagement activities included:

  • 15 online interviews and workshops with community groups
  • Two online surveys

The Parks Master Plan builds on existing Regina plans and policies and provides a set of principles, goals, and policy recommendations to guide parks and open spaces in Regina including:

  • Reducing intensive maintenance approaches in parks such as irrigation and mowing;
  • Ensuring stormwater infrastructure supports park uses;
  • Increasing natural areas in parks and recognizing these areas as an important part of the park experience;
  • Expanding interpretation in natural areas;
  • Ensuring parks are inclusive, accessible, and safe for all;
  • Fostering four-season park use, and
  • Ensuring equitable distribution of parks and park resources across the city.
City of Regina / Regina, SK